Our busy season is winding down. Although many churches have changed their year-ends from December 31st, the vast majority are still locked into the calendar year. This results in a “crunch time” from March 15th to April 30th around PSK.
During the course of this heavy load of engagements our auditors are asked many questions by our church clients. Interestingly, most of the questions have little to do with auditing or accounting rules but instead are concerned with basic issues that church business administrators face on a day-to-day basis.
Rather than let our answers help only the ones who asked them, we have decided to share this information with our blog readers. Over the next few weeks we will discuss a variety of issues from accounting processes to IRS compliance issues. Hopefully, this will prove helpful.
But, if our answers only raise more questions (which is typical for CPAs) feel free to post a question on the blog or email me at verne.hargrave@pskcpa.com